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unknown object中文是什么意思

用"unknown object"造句"unknown object"怎么读"unknown object" in a sentence


  • 未知对象
  • "unknown"中文翻译    adj. 1.未知的,未详的;未被发觉的。 2.数不清的 ...
  • "object"中文翻译    n. 1. 物,物体,物件。 2.目标 (of; for ...
  • "the unknown" 中文翻译 :    不可知; 原林探秘
  • "unknown" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.未知的,未详的;未被发觉的。 2.数不清的,无数的。 a man unknown to me 我不知道[认识]的人。 unknown wealth 巨富。 unknown to …所不知道的;〔作副词用〕没有给…知道,不给…晓得 (He did it unknown to me. 他没有让我知道就做了那件事了)。 n. 未[不]认识的人[物];【数学】未知数[量,元]。 the Great U- 伟大的匿名作家 〔Sir Walter Scott 的历史小说《威弗利》匿名出版时,人们对该书作者的尊称〕。 the U- Warrior [〔美国〕 Soldier] 无名战士〔其遗体被选出作为阵亡将士的代表接受国葬〕。 venture into the unknown 闯进未知世界中,大胆地探索未知的世界。
  • "unknown-unknown" 中文翻译 :    未知的不确定因素不可知的未知因素
  • "known known-unknown unknown-unknown" 中文翻译 :    已知的确定的已知的不确定因素
  • "object" 中文翻译 :    n. 1. 物,物体,物件。 2.目标 (of; for); 目的,宗旨。 3.【哲学】对象,客体,客观 (opp. subject); 【语法】宾语。 4.〔口语〕(可笑或可怜的)人[物]。 a small [strange] object 小[奇怪]东西。 the object of study 研究的对象。 the direct [indirect] object 直接[间接]受词。 What an object you have made (of) yourself! 〔口语〕你这家伙把自己搞得真不像样子! attain [achieve, gain, secure] one's object 达到目的。 fail [succeed] in one's object 没有达到[达到]目的。 for that object 为了那个目的。 no object 〔广告用语〕怎样都好,不成问题;没有困难(Distance is no object. (待聘者)上班距离(远、近)不成问题)。 propose an objectto oneself = set an object before one 立志,立下目标。 with that object in view 怀着那个目的。 vi. 1.反对,抗议,表示异议 (against, to)。 2.抱反感,不服气,有意见。 vt. 提出…作反对的理由 (that)。 If you don't object. 假使你不反对。 I object. 〔英下院〕我反对。 I object against him that he is a hypocrite. 我反对他,因为他是个伪君子。 object to 1. 反对(I object to your doing that. 我反对你做那件事)。 2.讨厌(I object very much to a wet weather. 我非常讨厌潮湿的天气)。 adj. -less 没有目的[宗旨]的,没有物像的。
  • "object to" 中文翻译 :    反对,不赞成; 反对;抗议,抱反感; 反对;抗议;不支持; 声称; 提出异议; 赞成……的人则认为
  • "to object to" 中文翻译 :    提出异议
  • "address unknown" 中文翻译 :    不明收件人; 打回头的情书; 地址不明; 收件人不详; 收信人不明
  • "arrival unknown" 中文翻译 :    临时来住店客人
  • "author unknown" 中文翻译 :    译/程悦; 译/萧蕊; 译/张玲; 佚名
  • "call of the unknown" 中文翻译 :    未知的呼唤
  • "code unknown" 中文翻译 :    巴黎浮世绘; 奔跑吧; 未知密码
  • "command unknown" 中文翻译 :    指令错误
  • "content unknown" 中文翻译 :    货物内容不详; 内货不详; 内容不明
  • "contents unknown" 中文翻译 :    内货不详; 内容不明; 内容不详
  • "countries unknown" 中文翻译 :    国别不详的
  • "density unknown" 中文翻译 :    未知光密度
  • "destination unknown" 中文翻译 :    目的地不明; 前途未卜
  • "diagnosis unknown" 中文翻译 :    诊断不明
  • "elimination of unknown" 中文翻译 :    消元法
  • "etiology unknown" 中文翻译 :    病因不明,病因未知
  • "exploring the unknown" 中文翻译 :    探索未知世界
  • "eyes of the unknown" 中文翻译 :    未知的双眸


  • The trained classifier can be used to class unknown object samples
  • An unknown object type
  • The animal thoroughly studies a new situation and is afraid of unknown objects unless it is convinced that there is no threat
  • Scientist ' s cerebrum can change people ' s quality of life , human being simultaneous in trend science and technology times , has also changed the view to unknown object in the previously
  • Based on the conservation principle of linear and angular momentum , the method derives the equations of the mass and mass center as well as inertia tensor of the new end - effector for the manipulator handling the unknown object
  • One of the important fields in data mining is the mining for classification rules , in which one can get the knowledge to predicate the future or unknown objects according to the analysis of the sample data
  • Secondly , to deal with adverse effects caused by unknown robot finger masses and unknown object mass , in the thesis presented are two intelligent control schemes , the control scheme based on reinforcement learning and adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control scheme
    其次,针对模型参数不确定,本文给出了两种有效的智能控制方法,以消除模型参数不确定给系统带来的负面影响。 ( 1 )基于强化学习的多指手控制方法,该方法将反馈控制与强化学习相结合。
  • Shortly before 5 . 45 am , police received a 999 report which indicated that an explosion had occurred at a bus stop outside a cafe at 19 tseng choi street in tuen mun . upon receiving the call , police officers , firemen and ambulencemen immediately arrived at the scene and learned that two men were seen placing an unknown object , initially believed to be fireworks , either next to or inside a rubbish bin at a nearby bus stop . they then fled the scene in a private car which was identified
用"unknown object"造句  
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